Augmented Pixels News: SLAM for iOs, Android and Rolling Shutter support


We are happy to announce support of cameras with the Rolling shutter in our proprietary SLAM, so from now it is possible to: 
1. Use AP SLAM with cheaper cameras to decreases hardware  costs of autonomous navigation solution for robotics and inside-out tracking(AR/VR glasses);  
2. Run AP SLAM on mobile phones( Android and iOS) to replace AR Core / AR Kit for much more precise tracking,  multiplatform / multihardware large scale  mapping and re-localization. 

Please watch our demos:
– 6DOF and Loop Closure on iPhone(video);  
– Large-scale maps on iPhone(video); 
Also, we have recently improved our mapping solution to support maps created on different hardware platforms (e.g., a map created with a mobile phone can be used in a robot or with AR glasses). 
With “multiplatform re-localization” our clients can create AR&VR / Mobile Phones / Robotics household solutions, which use a common map for re-localization according to the previously described concept in «Robots and AR glasses: Synergy in Living Room using Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Cloud».  

Hope this newsletter was interesting for you! 

Let me know if you have any ideas about cooperation! 

Best Regards,

CEO and Founder of Augmented Pixels
Vitaliy Goncharuk