Events highlight: BLE 2013(London) and Shopper Marketing Expo(Chicago)

Our team is now back from two events – Shopper Marketing Expo held in Chicago and Brand Licensing Europe held in London that took place earlier this month.

By that time, we have released new solutions for two broad markets, Real Estate and Game manufacturing. It was very exciting to be in the heart of brand marketing and retail “whirlpool” of trends and get live feedback from the market.


We have got great exposure for our WarBot tool for running in-store promotions and could collect feedback and insights for the upcoming AR platform. Therefore, we will keep working hard on the product to get it ready for the release in the nearest future.



Worth mentioning, that many companies we had an opportunity to meet at the conferences were keenly interested in exploring augmented reality solutions and trying it for their products and services. Nowadays, it is not enough anymore to create a great product. In order to win and to keep customers, manufacturers and retailers have to ensure that they are creating a memorable, enjoyable, useful and unique experience that comes together with the product. There was a lot about mobile and digital conversations and customer engagement in the feedback from participants we received. Mobile apps delivering entertaining and useful information become a crucial addition to an effective new-age marketing strategy.



We’re always open for a talk about practical value of augmented reality technology for your business. Drop us a line if you have any questions or suggestions.

Looking forward to meeting you at the future events!

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